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The W.A.S. podcast features friends and family all around the world discussing favorite sandwich topics. From cooking demos to heated debates our podcast is your one stop shop for all things sandwich related. The show is recorded live allowing anyone in our community the opportunity to connect with our guests as we record the episodes live. See our event schedule and set a reminder to attend our next live recording of the show!


Bill O'Donnell
(Blue Ash Farm)


"A sandwich is "pick-up food". Anything you can pick up with your hands and shove it in your face is a sandwich"

James Duffy

"It's a meal that can be held, portable, with exception—and it needs to be assembled like a sandwich, assembly is important."

Joe Gatto
From Scratch

"Bread with something between it is a sandwich. I do think a hot dog is a sandwich."

Anthony Bencomo (Biggie)
Deli Fresh Threads

"At least two layers of something, usually bread in between something [filling]."


"Bread materials are what make it [sandwich]. So bread materials, stuff, bread materials. For an unwich, lettuce materials are what make it a sandwich. For something like a taco or a hot dog — it would then become a bread apparatus."

Beatrice Calderon (KetoGirl)

"The reality is, with the changing of diets, it is the action of folding it in your hand and taking that action to take a bite [that makes a sandwich a sandwich]."

"In the simplest sense, a sandwich is a hand held meal."

Wayne Johnson

"You have to think about different cultures. Bread can be a lot of different things to a lot of different people. For me a hand-held is a sandwich."

Wally Butkevich
It's Better With Booze

"Any food stuff that you use to encase other food stuff to enable you to eat it by hand. A hot dog would fit...a taco would fit."


"A hot dog — meat between bread is a sandwich. I think a taco is a form of sandwich as well. The tortilla is the bread and you put meat and vegetables in the middle"

David LaForce

"For me bread doesn't even define it. You just need something wrapped around something else. I would say a hot dog is a sandwich. Who am I, in America, to impinge on the freedom of what somebody else calls a sandwich?"

Peter Martinez
The Digital Food Truck

"A sandwich is anything you put between a bread. A hot dog is a hot dog not a sandwich."

Chuck Shelton

"A sandwich can be so many things. It can be anything you can dream."

Zac Storm

"To me a wrap or a pita is similar enough [to bread] so I think it is a valid argument [wraps are sandwiches]." 


"A sandwich by definition is two pieces of bread with some sort of filling in the middle, could be anything. If you have one piece of bread and fold it over you can approach it the same way as a sandwich that is a two breader. To me, a hot dog is a sandwich — and I've had them all!"

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