In 2013, over a couple of beers, a friend of mine and I were having a hilarious debate over what is and is not a sandwich. After several hours of discussion, (yes, we were still sober) I determined there was a lot more to discuss!
Since then, What’s a Sandwich (W.A.S.) was born and has become a social media phenomena. Sandwich lovers across the world have joined in on the discussion sharing their sandwich creations and adding their own spin on what makes a sandwich a sandwich.
In the winter of 2019, W.A.S. went through an upgrade and rebrand, the W.A.S. sandwich novelty store was launched and the community live shows / podcast was born. Thanks for entering my sandwich shop, and feel free to reach out if you have questions!
Andy Valde
Founder of Whats A Sandwich?
Brittany Valde
Brittany is the voice of our listeners in the chat during our live streams and Co-Host to the podcast. She had no choice, she is part of it by marriage.
Andy Valde
Andy is the founder and mastermind behind What's A Sandwich. By day he is a graphic designer and by night he finds himself at the fridge drumming up more ideas for What's A Sandwich.
Ryan Brown
Through the friendship of Andy and Brittany, Ryan found himself in the Co-Host seat of the W.A.S. podcast. During the day he is an incredible artist and founder of SwitchVisions Art Studio.